• RT @etiennedellen: There are no protest voters in foxholes. Vote for the woman who can actually stop Trump. #ImWithHer #HereWeGo 09:55:42
  • RT @MonaWalesXXX: Please please vote to day and if you live in ca vote #noon60 #ourbodiesourchoice #saveporn #savesex https://t.co/qRJMDhyw… 09:55:58
  • RT @dangillmor: When media historians look back at this, they'll call it what it's been: an abandonment of journalistic duty by all but a f… 09:57:04
  • Very hopeful an overwhelming majority votes on the (pragmatic, if not ideal) side of light & progress & see how much there is to celebrate. 10:01:44
  • RT @heathercorinna: It's TODAY. The day when one of the biggest caps of all gets popped off, finally. When the women I come from get some v… 10:13:58
  • RT @heathercorinna: When little girls, some so wee they later might not even remember what was before, see they can truly lead as high as i… 10:14:03
  • RT @heathercorinna: This one’s for you, little girls. There'll still be so many challenges, barriers. But. I hope you have a magnificent mo… 10:14:39
  • RT @heathercorinna: A moment where you take in what's happening & it makes you feel limitless, on fire & so freaking in charge you can hard… 10:14:43
  • RT @RikerGoogling: planets with nasty women 16:05:20
  • EXACTLY THIS. In more ways than one. #doublestandards #medialiteracy #sexed #MAINSTREAMMEDIA https://t.co/vlg3QIpjkJ 17:28:21
  • (and misogyny & ignorance & violent selfish fear & just pure shitty ugly subhumanity) https://t.co/pI9sJctxwo 19:20:51
  • Maybe there's hope for some of you. I hope so. It's hard to see when this shit is so viciously grotesquely obvious this time though. 19:23:27
  • RT @hedonish: What a badass! Woman stops to vote on the way to give birth https://t.co/q9M4XHzU3e 19:26:24
  • RT @heartlessfemme: The Regan plan, to cut education, make us stupid, wait about 30 years, it worked so well that David Brooks is appalled. 19:41:28
  • (Cant blame any president for that exactly, but not valuing education & smarts / generally preferring being dumbed down to funding schools) 19:44:49
  • This voting thing some of you did for him? He doesn't even believe in that process. And w/militarized police & new swarms of feds/DHS? 💀🙈😲😓 19:57:34
  • @AmberLily @DeliaTS YES. Except for the hero-rapist thing which could definitely ruin it for some, but maybe it kinda works itself out okay. in reply to AmberLily 20:00:52
  • Thanks to racism, the good guys have no realistic way to organize effective armed resistance if necessary because of being occupied by feds. 20:09:19
  • Not that most progressive liberals would ever even consider that being necessary or preparing for it. GET RID OF THE CONSTITUTION-FREE ZONE. 20:11:17
  • Yes, I will also blame misogynist white third-party voters. Yes it is also your fault. 20:13:06
  • WELCOME TO THE FIFTIES, but maybe with a half-witted Hitler for president, no space-age aspirations, & all the info to do so much better. 20:26:25
  • THIS IS SOME GOOD NEWS. So overdue for him. That guy is an evil POS if there ever was one. https://t.co/befjBGJ30u 20:40:09
  • RT @PantherAlyxx: Sadly true https://t.co/kMTGoPuoFl 20:40:27
  • RT @zantanaephrem: American privilege is thinking you can move anywhere if Trump is elected but wanting to reject refugees who are fleeing… 20:40:38
  • RT @EmbraceTheCoda: Even my cynicism was unprepared for the stupidity of this nation. I'd be impressed if I wasn't so mortified 20:40:56
  • RT @AliceSkary: Feeling stressed? Afraid? Please watch this. <3 https://t.co/8pwR6Zy9xj 20:41:06
  • RT @Paxmee: Tell me again how rape and sexual assault accusations will ruin a man's career 20:46:32
  • RT @heartlessfemme: How the flying fuck do you get 51 percent approval rating for Obama, and this? I think we're literally just that stupid. 20:46:40
  • RT @ianmuneshwar: It's uncomfortable watching newscasters discuss how "fun" it is that the race is close when so many Americans' civil libe… 20:46:47
  • And with this I will now just shut up. Goodnight and good luck. I truly wish the very best for everybody. https://t.co/LuD8NSXDyy 20:48:30
  • (If you don't see this is a portent of doom like this, you don't know history. Recent, living memory history even.) https://t.co/Fmbey7EWmW 21:14:49
  • (See previous tweet. And crazed rabid people chanting "lock her up".) https://t.co/xncGtHs027 21:19:21
  • RT @heartlessfemme: Power without wisdom. Borrowing without accountability. Swagger without achievements. Soundbites without ideas. Trump c… 21:20:49
  • They "want to be protected from terrorists"? THEY ***ARE*** THE FUCKING TERRORISTS. 21:28:03
  • RT @LadyOFyre: Don't care what my fans' politics are, but don't come at me with misogynistic BS about how me working 50+hrs/wk is YOU payin… 21:30:31
  • RT @LiteratePervert: Bingo. https://t.co/XSmVjPq7jl 21:30:57
  • RT @sammitche: This election outcome is literally the comments section of youtube winning. 21:31:02
  • RT @AmberLily: One of THE WORST NIGHTS I ever had on cam was an #ElectionNight. I even wrote a blog entry about it back in 2009. https://t.… 21:36:37
  • RT @jonrog1: Hey, no joke, and I'm paraphrasing smarter people. If you plan on opposing Trump:

    Get Tor.
    Get Signal.
    Get a VPN
    2FA on your… 21:40:48

  • RT @ZakSmithSabbath: The people watching tv with you now? That's your cell. 21:43:41
  • RT @deathtodickens: A big giant fuck you to every media outlet that normalized Trvmp and treated him like he wasn't a huge fucking threat t… 22:28:57
  • RT @furrygirl: Now we finally understand what Charlton Heston was feeling at the end of Planet of the Apes. https://t.co/jqJPWfN1Kg 22:29:03
  • EXACTLY. The BS they're saying to avoid real issues / excuse ugly truths. It's absurd. The whole thing. https://t.co/3lRNcFRv5J 22:33:12
  • A few tiny steps forward … a giant backlashing, whip-cracking hurtle back. https://t.co/jCe3019UMr 22:50:16
  • RT @gogreen18: Liberals participated in a Trump win. Slandered Clinton daily, dubbed her unqualified, ran w GOP lies, clung to misogynist d… 22:54:35
  • RT @soleferraco: "What I've learned tonight is America is way more sexist than it is racist, and it's pretty fucking racist" – Patton Oswald 22:55:34
  • Yup. And the vague pain & stinging in my left breast just became an undeniably painful lump a couple days ago. https://t.co/m3dksLtrIC 22:57:36
  • RT @lizthegrey: Dear fellow trans Americans: apply for a passport NOW. You likely won't be able to get one that recognizes your gender in 2… 22:58:11
  • RT @JillBidenVeep: There are no winners. Half the country has openly voted for the oppression of LGBT's, minorities', and women's rights. 22:58:27
  • RT @furrygirl: Now we know at what point in history time travelers from the future are going to come back to in order to fix things. 22:58:56
  • RT @RazorRotten: I said one year ago that Trump was a nut job who wouldn't even come close to winning.

    You trolled me good America. #NotSa22:59:11

  • RT @Mandford: The reasons Trump is succeeding arent antiestablishment. This IS the establishment. Capitalist, racist, patriarchal–these ar… 22:59:30
  • RT @TyreeBP: Reminder: The KKK is celebrating tonight. Openly. https://t.co/TmS6tFu4Ou 22:59:43
  • RT @ArabelleRaphael: Why is a rapist racist piece of shit going to be my president? 23:00:10