• 00:40:28: Reading a sad book made me vulnerable to tearing-up upon reading sweet messages from a couple of friends I dearly love.
  • 01:46:19: I *love* this liquid calcium/magnesium supplement . . . except that it marbleizes my poop. Not like marble shapes, but white marble streaks.
  • 10:15:49: Our dog’s rope outside finally broke . . . fortunately she decided to come in for a bite to eat instead of going on an adventure.
  • 10:19:01: Scratch that. Looks like some piece of shit motherfucker came into our yard and CUT her rope. In two places. I hope they’re hit by a bus.
  • 10:21:26: Scratch that AGAIN. Looks like animals (probably coons) with extremely sharp teeth gnawed clean through it in about EIGHT places.
  • 11:54:13: Finished reading a book called _Motel Life_ with tears dripping down my face.
  • 12:11:21: I’m not a person who does her best thinking in the morning.
  • 13:48:40: We have a situation. Like, a SITUATION. Unfortunately, it’s probably better not to even talk about it. We’re just so fucking CAUGHT.
  • 14:58:29: We need to get out of the house for awhile and clear our heads from this craziness. It’s awkward, to say the very least.
  • 17:32:43: People’s responses to our situation range from “that’s so cool” to “that’s totally innocuous” to “OMG that’s freaky as fuck”.
  • 19:52:35: Sorry to be mysterious; we aren’t posting the specifics to protect someone’s job. Even though he SHOULD’VE done that himself.
  • 22:23:28: @djbigcrunk I’m not talking about it elsewhere online, but on the phone with friends/family, etc. Might post about it in members-only 1 day.

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