- No complaining allowed from me when there are blackcaps for breakfast and butterflies outside my windows. 11:50:18
- I'd planned to do a relaxing chat & cam hour tonight, but serious headache monster crawled up my neck and has taken… https://t.co/ZW27BGNQ8D 17:17:36
- RT @IntrovertDear: An #introvert hangover is a pretty terrible thing to experience. https://t.co/KPo5Y0uzA7 19:43:07
- RT @JulianCastro: Don’t waste a minute of your time being daunted that @realDonaldTrump has a base of diehard supporters. So did Richard Ni… 19:43:36
- Current highest-selling video in our #clips4sale store >> https://t.co/VNXAiz5XCJ
- RT @smotus: I can’t recall a presidential candidate giving such an accurate and damning assessment of her opponent before. It’s like if Gor… 19:48:25
- So many people to love in this movie I’ve never heard anyone talk about: #livtyler #katehudson #tarareid… https://t.co/bjVsnIqRf7 21:27:27
- #migraine #headache lifesavers #cbd #lidoderm #notpictured #caffeine
I guess you’re not supposed to put the… https://t.co/pmGwLDegtT 22:41:34
- @Sensei_MasterCJ @ICANDYSENSATION @bosnianbabe89 @FemBOMB Stop & think about why you are worried about us "misinfor… https://t.co/k8wRBZUqXi in reply to Sensei_MasterCJ 22:56:19
My Life Yesterday
July 23, 2018
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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