• 11:30 I have got to stop with the sugar and carbs starting (again) today. #
  • 17:04 Dearn Morningstar Farms: your six tiny-ass soysage patties in that giant box continue to feel like a ripoff. But they ARE delicious. #
  • 18:56 My brain hurts after trying to participate in a conference call; I seriously don’t have the mental skills to process all those voices. #
  • 19:07 Sadly, yes:RT @mcangeli: If twitter had been around when #firefly was on tv, do you think #firefly would still have been canceled? #
  • 19:59 The view from our backyard a few hours ago: tastytrixie.com/money /gloomy-pics Going to log in the Anywhere Cam to stretch. #
  • 21:27 I feel somebody’s period starting! Wow, that sounds creepy in third person . . . #
  • 00:16 So glad we canceled DirecTV – huge step in the right direction. Step backward: Delia bringing home sugared "fruit" slice candy I love. Mmm! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter