Another After-Dinner Coffee (& Poop) Update

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I really thought tonight was the night that a super-strong french-pressed dark roast mug of pepperminted coffee would actually keep me up for at least a few hours working in hyperfocused flow mode, given how many hours I slept in-ish today.

Alas, no: I am so … super … relaxed. So heavy with sleepiness. Such a beautiful hummy pre-sleep treat, that strong cup of Peet’s Holiday Blend.

Part of “the problem” is I am and was really spent after having uncontrollable poop all morning with many follow-up expulsions throughout the day. Including just now after my after-dinner coffee. So the reason I “slept in” today was really just to regain the hours lost to explosive diarrhea and the dehydration and/or effort from that.

And part of THAT problem was probably due to many days of *not* pooping because I have *not* been planning around / to prioritize poop, so I must’ve been super backed up and maybe blocked (maybe that’s why so much wound up liquified: to get around whatever is/was holding things up.

Whatever. I am about to slip off into a super-deep dreamland. Thanks to all of that pooping, and CAFFEINE AS A NIGHTCAP.

10 Minutes

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Reminder I wrote in my journal this morning:

Ten minutes is a significant amount of time. To dance, to wait it out / abstain, to stretch, to love someone single-mindedly.




ALSO: to play in the dirt!
